What can your first 30 days in Real Estate look like?

Luis Padilla Aparicio

What can your first 30 days in Real Estate look like?

Heres what it looks like for Luis PadillaAparicio

Luis joined our team a little over 30 days ago and he's already had his first closing!

But wait... there's more

Luis has also set 10 Appointments...has 8 Signed Agreements and... 1 more Under Contract

So how has he done it? I'll break it down for you from what I've observed

✔️Amazing work ethic
✔️Open minded
✔️Takes massive action
✔️Always willing to contribute

But that's not all. Luis jumped right into our MSREG Family and from Day 1 BELIEVED in who we are, what we do, and the lives we will change together

You see Luis is phenomenal and has blown me away with what he's accomplished in his first 30 days

But if you were to ask him he'd also give a ton of credit to our amazing team

✔️Support and Collaboration from his peers
✔️Operational Support

And so much more...

Over my years as a team leader and now a coach I've realized that there are 2 common things amongst most successful agents

Mindset and Environment

Luis definitely has the right mindset and when he paired that with the right environment that's where these crazy results come from

Way to go Luis! Proud of you brother! I can't wait to see where you grow this career from here 👊

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