We don't do "normal" or "ordinary"


It's just different...

The conversations are different

The results are different

We don't do "normal" or "ordinary"

I want to take you on the inside of this text message that I received from a coaching client this morning.

What stands out to me?

1. If he had not started adding agents he would probably be thinking about getting out of the business.

2. Profit, yes, believe it or not, there are teams still profitable in today's marketplace. His profit is over double what it would've been.

Did I mention his business is up 47% YOY?

I'm so fortunate to get to see behind the scenes of great teams and leaders like this as a coach.

Is my coaching for everyone? Nope, not even close 🤷‍♂️

But, if you are like this leader and are open minded, committed to growth, and willing to do the work required then maybe just maybe it would be worth a conversation to see if we would be a good fit for each other. I just opened up 2 more spots.

Also, by no means am I trying to take credit for the work this leader and team has done. I'm just privelaged to ride alongside as they grow and crush their goals.

P.S. Its not all sunshine and rainbows. On our last coaching call this leader shared how things seemed to be falling apart with some operational and personell struggles he was going through. Of course, we worked through those with solutions, but I made sure at the

end of the call to reset and I asked...

Even with all these moving parts going on right now, what is the most important focus for you? Specifically, what action will you commit to around that daily?

This text message is confirmation to me and him that he understands the importance of that conversation even in the chaos of his business right now.

Any guesses what that most important focus for him was? 😎

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