Changing Lives

no.1 team in mid missouri

Check out this guy from 5 years ago...

Allow me to introduce you to him, he was...

Drinking everyday

Over eating

Extremely over weight

Stressed to the max

Terrible leader

Terrible father

Terrible husband

Terrible friend

And most importantly Terrible to myself

All of that while I was making every excuse as to why it was okay...

I'm busy...

I have multiple businesses...

Everyone gains a little weight as they get older...

Lots of people drink every night...


This is right before I decided to make a choice. That's right we all have POWER! We all have the power of choice. That choice was to change. That choice was to become better. That choice was to find my passion again. That choice was to be the husband my amazing wife deserved. That choice was to be the father to my beautiful little girls that they deserved.

So, thats when I did 75 hard for the 1st time. All of this and so much more is the reason 75 hard means so much to me.

But of course this journey was and is far from perfect. I feel compelled to share a story that I will remember for the rest of my life...

55 days into 75 Hard the first time I was ready to give up. I had tears in my eyes ready to throw in the towel. I was having in depth conversation with my wife and apologizing for taking time away from her, our girls and our family to complete 75 hard. I told her I was ready to give up. I told her I felt selfish.

At that moment... I'll never forget it...

She picked up my head looked me dead in the eyes and said...

"You will NOT quit. You are not a quitter. You started this and now you are going to finish it."

I then went on with tears in my eyes saying I felt horrible because I haven't been present as a husband or a father...

She interrupted me... picked my head up again and said...

"Because of this commitment you made to yourself you are the best father you have ever been. You are the best husband you have ever been. Despite the time away to fulfill these commitments ypu are at your besr for ua. When you are present you are actually present. I'm not letting you give up on yourself. We will finish this together."

Here I am very close to the best shape of my life 5 years later almost done with round #5 of this life changing program 75 Hard.

I'm sharing this for a couple reasons...

1. I hope this inspires just 1 person. Sometimes I feel that we give our power back to outside circumstances. I know I certainly did. Take your power back. It all starts with the power of choice! What is that 1 thing in your life that if you changed it the only thing that would change is everything? YOU HAVE THE POWER OF CHOICE!

2. Who do you have in your corner? Who do you surround yourself with? Thank God for my beautiful wife having the honest tough conversation with me. Without that conversation I would still be the 5 year old version of me just 5 years worse. Love you Mananda ❤️

3. You can do it. Whatever it is. You can do it. You can overcome it. You can beat it. You can Improve it. You can quit it. You can start it. Whatever it is. YOU CAN DO IT!

P.S. As I was going through photos to make this post I was reminded of the roller coaster the last 5 years has been.

Lose weight, build muscle, quit alcohol...

Go back to bad habits gain all the weight back, lose the muscle, drink in excess

And then yo yo on that viscous cycle over and over.

For me that 1 change was alcohol. It's been almost 2 years since I have drank. (No I was not an alcoholic but alcohol didn't serve me or my mission so I got rid of it.) And guess what... since that decision the yo yo, the roller coaster disappeared.

Does that mean I've been perfect? Of course not but I've consistently improved. Consistently grown in all areas of my life. I highly encourage you to find that 1 thing in your life that will change everything.

P.P.S. Who you hang around matters. In the last 2 years I've made a conscious effort to get into rooms that are too big for me, rooms that make me uncomfortable, rooms with the highest achievers on the planet.

That choice has done nothing but skyrocket everything else in my life. I found an amazing support system. Amazing coaches, mentors, friends, business partners.

Crazy part is... these high acheivers... wanna know what they talk about? How to become best version of self? How can I contribute to others? Yep, that's pretty much it. Success Leaves Clues. What clues are being left in the environments you are hanging in?

Because of these choices and these environments there is not a single area of my life that isn't better today than it was then.

Relationships, friendships, businesses, finances, health, wellness and literally everything else.

In closing, I know this was a lot. If you made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this. I felt this message on my heart today and felt an obligation to share. Even if this just helps one person, then the embarrassment of showing you and telling you about 5 year ago me was worth it.

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