Customer Satisfaction is Worthless!


Customer Satisfaction is Worthless!

Yup! I said it... and I truly believe it.

Think about it...

When's the last time you had a bad client experience?

When's the last time you felt...

Like you weren't a priority

Like you were an inconvenience

Like the customer service didn't meet your expectations

You didn't ask my opinion but I'm going to give it anyway 😁

In today's world I see so much lack of care and attention to customer service. Seriously it has gone so far downhill. It's hard to go to a restaurant in today's world and actually get good not to mention great service.

Don't believe me?

Think about the last time you got less than great service. Let me guess... you came up with 10 options in the blink of an eye.

Now, think about the last time you were blown away with over the top customer service that gave you an experience that you remember.
An experience that made you feel obligated to leave a 5 star review.

An experience that made you feel obligated to share with your friends or on social media.

See how quickly you come up with 10 options there....

My entire point on this is simple...

All businesses operate on word of mouth

What type of experience are you creating for your customer or client? What word of mouth are they sharing?

Success in business is simple. Take 1 client and turn them into 3. Repeat.

Simple. But to do that you have to own the client experience.

If the client experience at a restaurant has a huge effect on the tip you leave or whether or not you visit again.

How much do you think the client experience matters in the biggest purchase or sale of someone's life.

Stop shooting at the wrong target.



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